76 Contoh Kalimat Future Tense

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76 Contoh Kalimat Present Future
76 Contoh Kalimat Present Future

76 Contoh Kalimat Future TenseFuture Tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan hal yang akan dilakukan. Future Tense sendiri terdiri dari tiga macam, yaitu Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense dan Future Perfect Tense. Banyak orang bingung karena Future Tense terkadang menggunakan ‘going to’ dan ‘will’ setelah subjek. Yang mana yang benar?
Keduanya sama-sama benar. Perbedaannya adalah dalam hal kepastian. Contoh:

1. She will buy one if you ask her. (belum tentu akan membelikan karena tidak diminta)
2. She is going to buy one (hal yang pasti akan dilakukan)
3. She won’t buy unless it is not expensive (kalau mahal tidak akan beli)
4. She is not going to buy it because she doesn’t have any money (tidak mungkin beli)

Present Future Tense

Perlu diketahui pula bahwa penggunaan ‘will’, selain untuk menyatakan keinginan atau permintaan, juga digunakan saat membicarakan tentang seseorang, janji, dan juga perhatian.

Mari kita simak contoh kalimat Future Tense yang menunjukkan kepastian

1. I am going to take a bath before leaving home
2. She is going to buy groceries before cooking
3. We are going to finish this assignment before the deadline
4. We are going to leave our bikes here because we should take car due to rain
5. They are going to enter the supermarket because they need to buy daily needs
6. Who are you going to visit next month?
7. When is that girl going to brush her teeth?
8. She is going to have a baby
9. This room is going to be cleaned because the guests are on their way
10. She is going to climb to the top.
11. He is going to finish it next week before he comes back to China

Kini kita simak contoh kalimat Future Tense yang menggunakan ‘will’

12. Will you have time to do homework tonight?
13. Will you come here again next year?
14. Will it be open in the morning?
15. Will you marry me?
16. Will you be here next week?
17. Who will come to the party tonight?
18. How long will your friends stay here?
19. Won’t you have another cup of coffee?
20. Will you please open the door?
21. How long do you think the drama will last? It has been an hour and it is boring.

Artikel terkait : Penjelasan Present Future Tense secara lengkap

Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense digunakan seperti halnya penggunaan continuous tense yang lain. Contoh:
When she gets back, her children will be having dinner. (sedang dalam proses makan malam di waktu yang akan datang, yakni saat ibunya kembali).

Berikut contoh kalimat Future Continuous Tense. Penggunaan ini menyatakan apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan, namun penekanannya pada proses kejadian.

22. In ten years’ time, I will be running my own company
23. At four o’clock in the afternoon, he will be sleeping
24. After dinner, she will be doing her homework
25. When you come back, it will be raining because it is now already very cloudy.
26. At seven o’clock, I will be mending the chair
27. For at least another four hours, she will be talking
28. At the concert, we will be listening to you
29. About then, she will be making tea.
30. He will be wandering around the town all night.
31. Tomorrow afternoon I will be doing the laundry
32. For three more years, they will be studying Japanese
33. Next month, he will be writing a love letter to her.
34. In the autumn, we will be working very hard before winter.
35. She’ll be seeing him tomorrow
36. He’ll be coming home pretty soon.

Untuk kalimat Future Continuous Tense yang lebih kompleks, berikut contohnya

37. Will you come next week, please? (permohonan)
38. Will you be coming next week? (tidak ada permohonan, hanya meminta tindakan seseorang di waktu yang ditentukan
39. Will you come to see me pretty soon, please?
40. Will you be seeing your kids as soon as possible?
41. Will you be taking the dogs for a walk every other day?
42. Will you be visiting your grandmother often?
43. Will you be accompanying your father soon?
44. Will you stay here longer, please?
45. Will you be going to the post office right away?
46. Will you make a cake for tea, please?
47. Will you be staying any longer until dawn?
48. Will you light a fire in the sitting room, please?
49. Will you please open the door? It is very hot.

Baca juga : Penjelasan Lengkap Future Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Tense

Bagaimana dengan Future Perfect Tense? Kalimat ini menunjukkan pekerjaan yang akan selesai di masa mendatang. Contohnya:

50. By next week, she will have finished her project
51. You will have gone to finish your job by then
52. My boss will have forgotten everything about the mess I have made by next week.
53. I will have graduated before getting a job
54. My brother will have made all the traveling plans by the first week of the month.
55. Mr. John will have assigned some tasks before the lesson ends later in the afternoon.
56. We will have spent a month traveling to China by the end of August
57. Toby will have learned Japan by the end of his Japanese class.
58. We will have left the house by the time the owners return home.
59. Our plumber will have finished repairing the plumbing system, by the time the kids going home later in the afternoon.
60. You will have stayed with us for five weeks by next Sunday
61. He will have written his second novel by next June
62. He will have returned from a world tour before his next visit here
63. They will have left the country before you can meet them
64. He will have sold all his belongings by next week
65. He will be dead for six years in 2021
66. The meeting will have finished by the time we arrive at the office.
67. The horse race will have started before they even leave home
68. They will have eaten and drunk everything if we don’t get there right away
69. I hope you will have not forgotten all this by next week.
70. I will have finished long before you get back here
71. He will have taught us to speak Japanese by the end of the summer
72. I will already bought a house before 2021 ends
73. He will have written his next novel at the time I come back tomorrow.
74. I will have finished all the construction tasks when you come back next year.
75. The train will have left when you arrive at the station in the next one hour
76. You will have finished this book before I end up cooking later at 6 PM.

Baca juga : Penjelasan detail tentang Future Perfect Tense

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