7 Contoh Dialog Offering Help dan Responnya yang Sering Diucapkan

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7 Contoh Dialog Offering Help dan Responnya yang Sering Diucapkan – Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, merupakan hal yang wajar untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang yang membutuhkan. Bagi Anda yang tengah mendalami bahasa Inggris, hal tersebut dikenal dengan istilah offering help. Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar lebih jauh tentang cara menawarkan bantuan dalam bahasa Inggris, simak contoh-contoh percakapan berikut ini:.

7 Contoh Dialog Offering Help dan Responnya
7 Contoh Dialog Offering Help dan Responnya

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (1)

Contoh yang pertama adalah antara penjaga toko yang menawarkan bantuan kepada calon pembeli. Percakapan nya adalah sebagai berikut:

Shop assistant: Good afternoon Sir, what can I do for you?
Customer: Yes, please. I’m looking for a waist bag

Shop assistant: What color of waist bag are you looking for?
Customer: Is there any purple or navy color, please?

Shop assistant: Sure.. here they are: the purple one dan the navy
Customer: Thank you for your help

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (2)

Ini adalah contoh percakapan offering help dan responya petugas tiket yang menawarkan bantuan kepada turis yang akan pergi ke kota Bandung.

Ticket officer: Hello, can I help you, Madam? Where’s your destination?
Tourist: I need to go to Bandung, can you give me a train ticket from Surabaya to Bandung? From which station I have to go?

Ticket officer: Yes, Mam. It start from Gubeng Station.
Tourist: Is this Gubeng Station?
Ticket officer: Yes. This is Gubeng train station
Tourist: What time will the train leave?
Ticket officer: It will leave at 07.00 a.m. So, you just need to wait for 1 hours.
Tourist: Thank you. I will buy the train ticket, then
Ticket officer: How many tickets do you need, Mam?

Tourist: Bring me 3 tickets
Ticket officer: Wait a moment, please. I will process it right away
Tourist: OK

Baca juga ====>>>> Contoh Dialog Singkat Offering Help dan Artinya

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (3)

Tidak selamanya bantuan yang ditawarkan akan selalu diterima dengan senang hati. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan offering help dan responnya yang menolak bantuan.

Salma: Hi, Dinda. What’s in your hands?
Dinda: My glasses. I’m repairing it

Salma: Why your glasses can damaged?
Dinda: It looks like the glass is off the frame
Salma: What can I do to help?
Dinda: No, thank you
Salma: Oh.. Okay then

1 week later…
Salma: Hi, Dinda. Look like you have a new glasses
Dinda: How do you know?
Salma: Because it is not the same with your old glasses. Is it still broken?
Dinda: You are right. I cannot fix it.

Salma: Is it Okay if I help you?
Dinda: No, thanks. I already have the new one
Salma: Okay.

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (4)

Lina: Fida, I’m going to give a surprise birthday party for my little brother next week.
Fida: Wow! That sounds great. How old is your brother?

Lina: He’ll be 5 on April 13.
Fida: Really? Would you like me to do something for your brother party?
Lina: That’s sound great. You can help me make the cake birthday

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (5)

Conversation yang satu ini adalah contoh percakapan offering help dan responya tentang menawarkan bantuan mengerjakan sesuatu.

Anton: Firman, what happen to your bicycle? is it broken?
Firman: Yes it is. But I don’t know what’s wrong with this bicycle

Anton: Let me repair the bicycle
Firman: Do you want to do it?
Anton: Of course. I can fix it
Firman: You are really kind. Thank you

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (6)

Sari: What are you doing, Wati?
Wati: I’m doing my homework, but I can’t
Sari: Would you like me to do something?
Wati: Yes, sure. You can help me do my homework.

Sari: Alright. Let’s do it together
Wati: Thank you for your help.
Sari: You’re welcome

Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response (7)

Roni: Hi, Rika. What are doing?
Rika: I’m waiting for the bus. But it seem I’m too late
Roni: Where do you want to go?
Rika: I wanna buy something in the bookstore

Roni: Is it Okay, if I drive you to the bookstore?
Rika: Really? How nice of you. Thank you for your help
Roni: Never mind

Dari contoh dialog offering help dan responya, intinya adalah mengenai penawaran barang atau jasa. Anda bisa membuat kalimat offering help tersebut dari kata yang paling dasar terlebih dahulu, yaitu siapa subjek, objek, dan predikatnya. Dengan sering berlatih melakukan conversation Anda akan semakin lancar menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kalian juga bisa mencoba Latihan Soal Offering Help pada artikel berikutnya.

Pencarian Terkait:

  • https://englishclas com/7-contoh-dialog-offering-help-dan-responnya/

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