Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1Siswa Sekolah Dasar kelas 2 memang belum terlalu fokus dalam belajar terutama mempelajari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Konsep belajar siswa kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar adalah belajar sambil bermain. Akan tetapi tidak ada salahnya jika Bunda memperkenalkan mata pelajaran yang satu ini agar si kecil memahami Bahasa Inggris sejak dini.

Mari simak contoh latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 semester 1 berikut beserta kunci jawabannya.

A. Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda)

The text below is for questions number 1 to 5

Hi, my name is Syifa. I am ten years old. My grandfather is Mr. Ahmad and he is a farmer. My grandmother is Mrs. Nur and she is a housewife. My father is Mr. Rusti and he works at textile company. My mother is Mrs. Hani and she works at school as a teacher. I have a brother, he is Fadhly. He is thirteen years old. We are happy family.

1. How old is Syifa?
a. She is ten years old
b. She is eleven years old
c. She is twelve years old
d. She is thirteen years old
Jawaban: A

2. Who is a teacher?
a. Her grandmother
b. Her mother
c. Her grandfather
d. Her father
Jawaban: B

3. What is her grandfather’s name?
a. Mr. Rusti
b. Fadhly
c. Mr. Ahmad
d. Mrs. Nur
Jawaban: C

4. How old is her brother?
a. He is ten years old
b. He is eleven years old
c. He is twelve years old
d. He is thirteen years old
Jawaban: D

5. What is her brother’s name?
a. Fadhly
b. Mr. Rusti
c. Mr. Ahmad
d. Mrs. Nur
Jawaban: A

6. Neesa: Hi Bilal, Good morning.
Bilal: Hi Neesa, …
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
d. Good night
Jawaban: B

7. A: I am sleepy
B: You have to sleep
A: Okay, …
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good night
d. Good evening
Jawaban: C

8. What is this?
a. This is a watch
b. This is a stove
c. This is a table
d. This is a clock
Jawaban: D

9. What is this?
a. This is a watch
b. This is a clock
c. This is a chair
d. This is a pillow
Jawaban: A

10. A: What time do you always go to school?
B: I always go to school at …
a. 07.00 PM
b. 07.00 AM
c. 01.00 PM
d. 01.00 AM
Jawaban: B

11. A: What time do you always sleep?
B: I always sleep at …
a. 09.00 AM
b. 03.00 AM
c. 09.00 PM
d. 03.00 PM
Jawaban: C

12. What time is it?

a. It is three o’clock
b. It is twelve o’clock
c. It is four o’clock
d. It is twelve fifteen
Jawaban: A

13. When do you always have breakfast?
a. In the middle of the night
b. In the morning
c. In the afternoon
d. In the evening
Jawaban: B

14. When do you always have lunch?
a. In the middle of the night
b. In the morning
c. In the afternoon
d. In the evening
Jawaban: C

15. A: What do you always eat for breakfast?
B: I always eat …
a. Pizza and muffin
b. Fried rice and chicken
c. Rice and egg
d. Bread and egg
Jawaban: D

16. A: What do you often cook for dinner?
B: I often cook …
a. Rice and fried chicken
b. Fried rice and egg
c. Rice and soup
d. Bread and cheese
Jawaban: A

17. My sister is still a baby. She always drinks …
a. Coffee
b. Milk
c. Tea
d. Juice
Jawaban: B

18. I like drinking …
a. Pizza
b. Muffin
c. Coffee
d. Pie
Jawaban: C

19. My brother likes eating …
a. Coffee
b. Milk
c. Tea
d. Pizza
Jawaban: D

20. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. She is making …
a. Pizza
b. Muffin
c. Popcorn
d. Pie
Jawaban: A

Baca juga: Rangkuman MAteri Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

B. Essay (Uraian)

21. How do you call your aunt’s child?
Jawaban: my cousin

22. Who is the father of your mother?
Jawaban: my grandfather

23. Who is your mother’s husband?

Jawaban: my father

24. Make a dialogue when you meet your teacher in the morning!

A: Good morning teacher
B: Good morning student
A: How are you?
B: I am very well, thank you
A: Nice to meet you
B: Nice to meet you too

25. Make a paragraph about your daily activity!

I always get up at 05.00 AM. I take a bath and then I have breakfast with bread and omelette. I always drink every morning. I go to school at 06.30 AM and I go home at 11.30 AM. I have lunch with rice, soup and fried chicken. I help my mother in the kitchen. My mother makes muffin and pie. We always watch movie in the living room. I go to sleep at 09.00 PM.

Nah itu dia contoh latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 semester 1, semoga bermanfaat.


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