10 Contoh Invitation Letter

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10 Contoh Invitation Letter
10 Contoh Invitation Letter

10 Contoh Invitation Letter – Salah satu materi yang penting untuk dipelajari dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah mengenai Invitation Letter. Namun, apa itu Invitation Letter? Berdasarkan segi bahasa, Invitation Letter jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti Surat Undangan.

Surat Undangan ini umumnya terbagi menjadi 2 jenis. Yakni Surat Undangan yang bersifat formal, dan yang bersifat informal. Meskipun disebut ‘Letter’ (Surat), namun dalam membuat Invitation Letter tidak selalu berbentuk surat yang panjang. Ada pula yang strukturnya pendek dan ada dalam bentuk chat.
Nah, untuk menambah referensi mengenai Invitation Letter, di bawah ini telah disediakan 10 Invitation Letter yang bisa kamu pelajari dan coba gunakan!

Contoh Invitation Letter (Formal)

1. Contoh Invitation Letter untuk Acara Pernikahan (Wedding Invitation)

Bintaro, April 7, 2021
To: Sekar Ningrum
Hi my dear, how are you doing? By the happiest heart, I would like to invite you to my wedding. Please come on,
Date: April 14, 2021
Place: Aula Kelly
Time: 18.30 PM – end
It is a blessing for us to see you there, thank you for your attention.


Syakila and Rommy

2. Contoh Invitation Letter Interview Kerja
Dear Ali,
Thank you for your interest in the position of Copywriter at PT Berkarya Sejati. By this email, we mean to invite you for having an interview with us on:
Date: March 5, 2021
Time: 13.00 WIB
Place: Google Meet
The Google Meeting Link will be provided 1 hour before the schedule. Thank you

Harry Styles

3. Contoh Invitation Letter Acara Seminar

Jatinangor, September 4, 2021
To: Mrs. Asya Harun, M.Si

Due to the Pekan Diplomasi event, we gladly will have a seminar on the topic The Importance of Foreign Language in 4.0 era. We would like to invite you to be our moderator for this event.
The event will be held on:
Date: September 11, 2021
Place: Auditorium Merah Putih
Time: 10.00 AM – end
It will be an honor for us if you could attend our event. Thank you.
Chandra Jerry

4. Contoh Invitation Letter Pameran Seni (Art Exhibition)

Garut, May 2, 2021
To: Mr. Arya Cruise

To celebrate the education day of Indonesia, our department will be having the art exhibition. We would like to invite you to attend our event as a speaker.
Please come on:
Date: May 8, 2021
Place: Garut Art and Design Hall
Time: 09.00 – end.


Ali Benjaminov

5. Contoh Invitation Letter Grand Opening Restoran

Sleman, March 13, 2021
To: Erika Yakusami

Dear Erika Yakusami, I gladly inform you that my Japanesse Restaurant will open by this weekend. To celebrate the grand opening, I hope you would like to come.
The grand opening will be held on March 16, 2021, from 16.00 – 18.00 WIB.
See you there!

Warm regards,
Tara Matami

Contoh Invitation Letter (Informal)

6. Contoh Invitation Letter untuk Makan Malam (Dinner)

Dear Hanin,

Hi bestie, how are you doing? It is bee a while for us to not seeing each other in person. I miss sharing stories to you, my best friend. Would you mind if we have a dinner this Saturday? Maybe at 17 in Slevinnia Resto? Kindly inform me soon!

Much love,

7. Contoh Invitation Letter Birthday Party

Dear Tom Geovani

Hello there!
Hope you are well. I will have birthday party at Amara Hotel this Saturday (May 21, 21). Would you like to come?
I will be very appreciate your presense on my 22nd birthday party. See you there!

Your mate,
Joseph Vincent

8. Contoh Invitation Letter Baby Shower

Kabul, December 23, 2021
To: Abdalla Maourine

Dear Abdalla,
My 3rd baby, Zandaya, will have a baby shower ceremony this Friday (December 27, 2021). Our house are open for all relatives. I hope that you can come at this ceremony which started at 09.00 – end. Your presence is very meaningful, since you gonna be her uncle.

With love,
Dany Rezwan

9. Contoh Invitation Letter Reunion

Dear all my dearest mate,

Hi guys, how is your life? It is been so long time for us to not meeting in person. Don’t you miss me? I bet you do!
So, we want to invite all the alumni of Attaman College class 2018. This reunion will be held on December 28, 2021 at Istanbul Hall.
Please confirm your ability to come to Eren (+90 07887293765)

Omer Hazemi

10. Contoh Invitation Letter Graduation Party

Ankara, July 15, 2021
Dear Hummeyra,
We have been sharing moment together for the last three years of university, finally the time for goodbye is in front of our eyes. In order to make it beautiful, we would like to invite you to join the farewell party of Ankara University, on:
Date: July 25, 2021
Time: 09.00 AM – 16.00 AM
Place: The Ballroom of Ankara University
Hope you will be present for this memorable event!

Talya Muzlem.

Demikianlah 10 contoh invitation letter baik dalam bentuk formal maupun informal yang bisa kamu gunakan. Semoga bermanfaat!


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