-10 Latihan Soal Short Message Beserta Kunci Jawabanya-Setelah mempelajari jenis-jenis short message beserta contohnya artikel sebelumnya, kini Anda mungkin sudah paham tentang short message dan cara mengidentifikasi perbedaan masing-masing jenis. Supaya lebih paham berikut ini adalah latihan soal short message beserta kunci jawabannya untuk menguji kemampuan anda dalam mengerjakan soal, ada sedikit tips untuk mengerjakan soal-soal tersebut.
Tips untuk mengerjakan latihan soal short message adalah dengan mencari kata kunci yang menunjukkan informasi yang disampaikan oleh penulis. Biasanya informasi ini menjawab pertanyaan What, When, Where, Who, Why, dan How. Dengan mengidentifikasi pesan tersebut, Anda bisa mengerjakan soal dengan lebih mudah.
Selain itu, tips lain untuk mengerjakan latihan soal adalah dengan membaca pertanyaan terlebih dahulu sebelum membaca teks. Dengan mengetahui informasi yang ditanyakan, Anda bisa lebih mudah untuk menemukan informasi tersebut tanpa harus membaca seluruh teks. Tips ini sangat berguna jika Anda mempunyai waktu yang terbatas.
Namun, tips yang paling penting adalah memaksimalkan kemampuan Anda dalam membaca. Perbanyak perbendaharaan kosakata sehingga Anda bisa memahami setiap teks dengan mudah. Ketika mengerjakan latihan, jangan ragu untuk menggunakan kamus untuk mencari makna dari kata-kata yang belum Anda pahami.
Baca juga ===>>Contoh Short Message kegiatan Sekolah
Latihan Soal Short Message
Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3!
I will be late for dinner. My boss asks me to attend a meeting at 7 pm. I will catch the bus right after the meeting is over. Love you.
1. Why is the writer late?
A. He is sick
B. He has a party to attend
C. He attends a meeting
D. He already ate dinner
Kunci jawaban: C
2. How will the writer go home?
A. He will walk
B. He will take a taxi
C. He will ride a car
D. He will take a bus
Kunci jawaban: D
3. When will the meeting begin?
A. At 7 pm
B. At 7 am
C. At 6.30 pm
D. At 8 am
Kunci jawaban: A
Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 5!
To: Marry
Happy 17th birthday, my best friend. I wish you have many other years to celebrate. I hope you like the gift. I know you like to read.
With love: Susan
4. How old is Marry?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
Kunci jawaban: D
5. According to the text, what possible gift did Susan give to Marry?
A. Video game
B. Book
C. Toy car
D. Clothes
Kunci jawaban: B
Read the following text to answer questions number 6 to 8!
Dear Riana,
I heard you achieved the first position in swimming competition. Congratulations for your achievement! I will come to your house on Sunday. I have something to celebrate your victory. Please tell your mother to prepare my favorite food.
6. What competition did Riana win?
A. Running
B. Archery
C. Chess
D. Swimming
Kunci jawaban: D
7. When will Lisa come to Riana’s house?
A. On Sunday
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday
D. On Saturday
Kunci jawaban: A
8. What does Lisa request to prepare?
A. Her clothes
B. Her favorite books
C. Her favorite food
D. Her toys
Kunci jawaban: C
Baca juga : ===> Penjelasan dan Contoh Short Message
Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 10!
To all students,
Please note the examination will be held on 3rd September, 2018. All students shall bring their own equipment. Dictionary and calculator are not allowed. Examination will start at 8 am until 12 pm. Students must be at school 30 minutes before examination starts. Shall students have any questions, contact your teachers.
Thank you
9. According to the text, what are prohibited during the examination?
A. Book and pencil
B. Pencil case and calculator
C. Calculator and book
D. Dictionary and calculator
Kunci jawaban: D
10. From the text, which statement is true?
A. The examination will be held for 4 hours
B. Students may bring dictionary
C. School will provide equipment for examination
D. Students are permitted to be late.
Kunci jawaban: A
Demikianlah artikel tentang latihan soal short message, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih dan selamat mencoba!!!
tq for sharing material…i really need it
sama-sama kak. terimakasih sudah berkunjung