Beberapa Contoh Soal Essay Short Message dan Pembahasanya

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Beberapa Contoh Soal Essay Short Message Dan Jawabannya – Untuk menunjang pembelajaran mengenai pesan pendek atau short message dalam bahasa Inggris, tentu dibutuhkan banyak latihan agar siswa terbiasa dan bisa menguasai materi dengan mudah.

Cara lain untuk mempermudah pembelajaran adalah dengan latihan soal dengan kesulitan bertingkat secara bertahap. Oleh karena itu, berikut beberapa contoh soal short message yang bisa dipelajari.

Contoh Soal Essay Short Message Dan Jawabannya
Contoh Soal Essay Short Message dan Jawabannya

Contoh Short Massage 1

For Bambita
I heard a good news if yesterday you achieved the first position on story telling competition. Congratulations for your achievement, I really proud of you! I will come to your house tomorrow evening. I need celebrate your victory with small party. Please tell your father and your mother if I will come tomorrow.

Questions and Answer

1. What competition did Bambita win?
Bambita win a story telling competition.
2. Who’s say congratulation to Bambita?
Someone who is say congratulation to Bambita is Rhye.
3. When Rhye will come to Bambita’s house?
Rhye will come to Bambita’s house on tomorrow evening.
4. Where the small party will be held?
The small party will be held on Bambita’s house.
5. How about Rhye’s fell for Bambita’s achievement?

Rhye is really proud with Bambita’s achievement.
Lima pertanyaan dalam contoh soal essay short message dan jawabannya tersebut menggunakan beberapa unsur kalmia tanya yakni what, who, when, where, dan juga how. Masing-masing memiliki arti apa, siapa, kapan, di mana, dan juga bagaimana. Teks tersebut merupakan short message yang berisikan ungkapan selamat untuk seseorang.
Pertanyaan pertama menanyakan tentang jenis kompetisi apa yang dimenangkan, kemudian pertanyaan kedua menanyakan siapa yang memberikan ucapan. Demikian seterusnya, contoh soal tersebut tentu saja masih dalam kategori mudah.

Baca juga ===>>> Penjelasan dan Contoh Short Message

Contoh Short Message 2

Hi, Mom
I am sorry I will come late to home today because I must preparing my TOEFL and having some additional lesson for that.

Questions and Answer

1. Who is write the message?
That message is written by Nana.

2. For whom that message?
That message is for Nana’s mother.
3. Why Nana will come late to home?
She will come late to her home because she must preparing her TOEFL and having some additional lesson.
4. When Nana will come late to her house?

Nana will come late to her house on today.
Dalam keempat contoh soal essay short message dan jawabannya tersebut menggunakan beberapa jenis kata tanya yang simple sekaligus mudah sekali untuk dikerjakan. Beberapa hal yang ditanyakan dalam teks tersebut di antaranya mengenai siapa yang menulis pesan singkat tersebut, untuk siapa pesan pendek tersebut, apa alasan Na pulang ke rumah terlambat, dan kapan Na akan pulang ke rumah terlambat.

Baca juga : 10 Latihan Soal Short Message dan Kunci Jawabanya

Contoh Short Message 3

Dear My Lovely Son, Hans
I am sorry I go earlier because I must attend a meeting with a client this morning. So, could you please help me for shop after your school, My Son?
If you can, here is what you need to buy:
– Spaghetti 3 packs
– Chili sauce 2 bottle
– Milk 2 carton
– Tomato sauce 2 bottle
– Olive oil 1 bottle (1 liter)
– Cheese 3 blocks

Please take money in my wallet, in the dresser. Thank you, My Lovely Son.

With love, Mom.

Questions and Answer

1. Who is write the short message?
That short message is write by Hans’s Mom.
2. What must Hans do after his school?
He must buy what his mom need.
3. Why Han’s mom go earlier?
Han’s mom go earlier because she must attend a meeting with a client.
4. Where is Hans must take money for buying some material?
He must take money from the dresser, on his mother’s wallet.
5. How many cheese he must buy?
He must buy cheese 3 blocks.

Contoh Short Message 4

Dear Johnathan
Please don’t forget to pick up our son at 12 o’clock at his school. And also on forget to take his for lunch, he would love to have some spaghetti and ice cream.
With love, Plumary

Artikel selanjutnya : 8 Contoh Short Message untuk Sahabat

Questions and Answer

1. Who is receive the short message?
That short message is received by Johnathan.
2. Who is sending the short message?
The short message is sending by Plumary.
3. What must Johnathan do?
He must pick up his son and also take his for lunch after school.

Demikian beberapa contoh soal essay short message dan pembahasan ya yang bisa digunakan untuk belajar sobat atau bahan pembelajaran yang sangat mudah untuk dipelajari. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung 🙂


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