Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban untuk Persiapan PAT

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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2

latihan soal kelas 8 bahasa inggris – Menjelang penilaian akhir tahun, tentu kamu harus memperbanyak latihan soal. Sehingga, nantinya, nilai yang didapatkan akan menjadi semakin maksimal. Nah, Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang cukup menjadi momok untuk banyak murid. Sehingga, soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban akan membantu kamu belajar.

Siap untuk mengerjakan soal Bahas Inggris kelas 8 semester 2? Pastinya, soal di bawah ini sesuai dengan materi pada kurikulum 2013. Tentu akan padu dengan materi yang didapatkan di sekolah.
Sebelum mengerjakan soal, maka kamu harus tahu bahwa kunci mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris adalah mengetahui arti dari teks yang disajikan. Untuk itu, selain berlatih, jangan lupa terus menambah Vocabulary.

Yuk, simak soal selengkapnya di bawah ini!

Materi Soal Bahasa Inggris kls 8 Semester 2

1. Simple present tense
2. Present continuous tense
3. Song
4. Notice
5. Short message
6. Recount text
7. Simple past tense
8. Degrees of comparison

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2

Kerjakan soal di bawah ini dengan tepat, silang atau tandai jawaban yang menurut kamu benar!

The text bellow is for question number 1 to 3

soal bahasa inggris kelas 8
soal bahasa inggris kelas 8

1. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To announce the program of commemorate Kartini day.
b. To invite students of class 8 to join the programs.
c. To tell about information for register the Kartini day programs.
d. To give information about joining photo contest

2. To participate in the program of Kartini day, what should the students do?
a. Support interesting programs
b. Motivate friends to take a part
c. Contact head committee
d. Practice before join the programs

3. To celebrate the upcoming Kartini day.
The underlined word is closets in meaning to ….
a. Shining
b. Appreciate
c. Provokate
d. Motivated

4. Complete the conversation bellow!
Nina : how much are a kilo of tomato?
Seller : it’s twenty thousand rupiah
Nina : can you make five teen rupiah?
Seller : I’m sorry, it is … we give

a. As cheap as
b. The cheapest
c. Cheaper
d. Cheap

5. Complete the conversation bellow!
Windha : excuse me, … where the park is?
Rani : yes, just go straight down this road, the park is on the left side.
a. Do you agree
b. This is Rani speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you know

6. Complete the conversation bellow!
Maria : I’ll go to Surabaya by bus tomorrow
Maya : why don’t you take the train?
Maria : traveling by bus is … than by train
a. More uncomfortable
b. Uncomfortable
c. More comfortable
d. Comfortable

Read the text below to answer question number 7 until 10

soal bahasa inggris kelas 8
soal bahasa inggris kelas 8

7. Why did David call his brother?
a. He was angry
b. He hurt his leg
c. He could not get into the well
d. He wanted to get out the well

8. What’s the aim of the text above?
a. To tell about David’s activities today
b. To know why David fell down
c. To retell about David’s experience when he fell down
d. To give information

9. Which statement is false?
a. David wasn’tt Paul’s father
b. Paul thanked his brother
c. Paul couldn’t pull David out
d. Paul didn’t fall down the well

10. “He thanked his brother.”
Word “he” is refers to ….
a. Neighbor
b. David
c. Paul
d. Neighbor

Complete the text with the most proper words!
Now it is eight o’clock in the morning. Tom is in his house. He … (11) a letter to his friend, John. He is writing with a pen. It is not his pen. It is his sister’s pen. Her name is Susan. Tom …(12) at the table near a window. He can see his father. His father is in the garden. He …(13) some red flowers.
Tom’s mother is in the house. She …(14) her husband’s shirt. The shirt is white. There is a hole in it. Susan …(15) a bird, she like to talk to it.

11. The answer is ….
a. Wrote
b. Is writing
c. Writes
d. Write

12. The answer is …
a. Sit
b. Sat
c. Is sitting
d. Sits

13. The answer is …
a. Will cut
b. Is cutting
c. Cuts
d. Cut

14. The answer id ….
a. Is mending
b. Mended
c. Mends
d. Mend

15. The answer is ….
a. Had
b. Is having
c. Has
d. Have

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

  1. Jawab : A
  2. Jawab : C
  3. Jawab : B
  4. Jawab : B
  5. Jawab : D
  6. Jawab : C
  7. Jawab : D
  8. Jawab : C
  9. Jawab : B
  10. Jawab : B
  11. Jawab : B
  12. Jawab : C
  13. Jawab : B
  14. Jawab : A
  15. Jawab : C

Demikian soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya. Dengan adanya kunci jawaban, akan membantu kamu lebih mudah melakukan evaluasi, materi apa yang sekiranya masih belum dikuasai. Selamat belajar dan semoga berhasil!



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