Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawabanya
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawabanya

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban – Kamu kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris? Jangan khawatir lagi, kini kamu bisa melatih kemampuan pengetahuan kamu dalam menghadapi soal ujian Bahasa Inggris. Berikut soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 2 lengkap beserta kunci jawaban yang akan membantu kamu dalam berlatih.
Yuk simak beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi dalam berlatih Bahasa Inggris.

A. Latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 (Multiple choice)

The following text is for number 1 – 5
Sayang Heulang is a beautiful beach in Pameungpeuk, Garut. It is about 100 kilometers from Bandung. The nearest beach from Sayang Heulang is Santolo beach. To reach Sayang Heulang from Santolo beach, can be reached by a boat.
Many tourists are interested to visit Sayang Heulang because its view and beach. For children, the wave is safe for playing. So, they can play at the beach safely. Its view is beautiful, many tourists take the picture of it or they do selfie for updating their status on social media.

1. The purpose of the text is …
a. To describe how to go Sayang Heulang
b. To describe Sayang Heulang
c. To inform the most beautiful beach
d. To describe Santolo beach
e. To inform readers how to take pictures in Sayang Heulang
Jawaban: B

2. Many tourists are interested to visit Sayang Heulang. It means that Sayang Heulang is …
a. Attractive
b. Delightful
c. Advantageous
d. Amazing
e. Excellent
Jawaban: A

3. “To reach Sayang Heulang from Santolo beach, … “. The underlined word means …
a. Go
b. Arrive at
c. Come
d. Visit
e. Approach
Jawaban: B

4. They can play at the beach safely. The underlined word refers to …
a. The tourists
b. The parents
c. The adults
d. The teenager
e. The children
Jawaban: E

5. Its view is beautiful. Its refers to …
a. Santolo beach
b. The wave
c. Sayang Heulang
d. The boat
e. The sand
Jawab: C

===> Baca juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

6. The teacher ….. for two hours when you knock the door
a. Has been teaching
b. Have been teaching
c. Has taught
d. Have taught
e. Has been taught
Jawaban: A

7. The students ….. by the teacher when the Principal come to classroom
a. Has been being taught
b. Have been being taught
c. Has been teaching
d. Have been teaching
e. Have taught
Jawaban: B

8. The Principal says that if he gets invitation to join the competition, he …. the best students there
a. Would send
b. Would sent
c. Will send
d. Will sent
e. Send
Jawaban: C

9. Fadhly told his friend that if he were a president, he … the people a better life
a. Would give
b. Would gave
c. Would given
d. Will give
e. Will gave
Jawaban: A

10. Syifa told Kaixa that if he had studied hard, he … a doctor
a. Would have been
b. Would be
c. Will have been
d. Will be
e. Is
Jawaban: A

Baca juga : Latihan Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMA

11. The teachers … at hospital
a. Has been vaccinated
b. Have been vaccinated
c. Have vaccinated
d. Has vaccinated
e. Had vaccinated
Jawaban: B

12. A man … wears a uniform is my husband
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Where
d. Which
e. That
Jawaban: A

13. The girl … I teach is his cousin
a. Who
b. Whom
c. What
d. Where
e. Which
Jawaban: B

14. The boy …. a luxury car is my boyfriend
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Where
e. Which
Jawaban: C

15. The school has announced the new rules. The new rules … by the school.
a. Had announced
b. Have announced
c. Have been announced
d. Has been announced
e. Is announced
Jawaban: C

B. Latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 (Essay)

1. The doctor says if she kept her health, she would not be sick. It can be concluded that …
2. “Are you not hungry?” Asked my mom. My mom Asked me whether …
3. “They are speaking English in class” told my friend. My friend told that …
4. My father has bought two watches. Two watches … by my father
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct answer!
a. If it is raining, we …. wet
b. If I am hungry, I … eat fruits and vegetables
c. If he were a doctor, he …. work at hospital
d. If you had graduated, you …. worked at that company

1. She doesn’t keep her health then she gets sick
2. I was not hungry
3. They were speaking English in class
4. Have been bought
5. a. Are
b. Will
c. Would
d. Would have

Nah itu dia beberapa contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba.


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