12 Contoh Undangan Pernikahan dalam Bahasa Inggris

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12 Contoh Undangan Pernikahan dalam Bahasa Inggris – Undangan menjadi salah satu elemen penting yang tidak boleh dilewatkan pada persiapan pernikahan. Undangan yang menarik bisa dibuat dengan memilih desain dan warna yang bagus hingga bahasa yang digunakan. Bahasa Inggris bisa jadi pilihan bahasa untuk jenis undangan pernikahan masa kini atau memang karena ingin mengundang tamu dari luar negeri. Di bawah ini contoh undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris yang bisa jadi inspirasi.

12 Contoh Undangan Pernikahan dalam Bahasa Inggris
12 Contoh Undangan Pernikahan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh 1

Mr. & Mrs. Pandu
Invite you to share in the celebration
of the marriage of their daughter
Bianca Alexandra
Fredy Mahendra

Sunday, the first of March two thousand twenty
at 9.00 a.m
The Graha Citra Hall

Dinner and live music to follow

Contoh 2

With great pleasure
Frank Adriano
& Alicia Margareth
Invite you to join them
at the celebration of their marriage

Sunday, the fifth of March two thousand twenty
at two o’clock in the afternoon

The Octagon Pavilion
190 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, New York
Dinner and dancing to follow

Contoh 3

Mr. & Mrs. Subagyo

Request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
Maria Subagyo
Frans Steven

Son of
Mr. & Mrs. Steven

Saturday, the seventh of March two thousand twenty
at 8 a.m in the morning
The Santika Hotel
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Contoh 4

The honor of your presence is requested at the marriage of
Ken Bryan
Leonny Karen

Saturday, the seventh of March two thousand twenty
at half past three in the afternoon

The Emerald Hotel
208 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, New York

Reception immediately to follow
The Boathouse
180 Greenwood Avenue

Contoh 5

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin
Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children
Anne Franklin
Mark Johnny
Saturday, the forteenth of March two thousand twenty
at 10. a.m
The Luxury Hotel
Main Hall

Reception to follow

Contoh 6

Together with our loving parents
Mr. & Mrs. Lesmana
Mr. & Mrs. Winata
We, Johan Lesmana & Brenda Winata invite you to share in a celebration of love as we exchange our marriage vows.
Sunday 9:00 AM | 22 | March 2020
Wedding Ceremony and Reception at
Graha Elnusa, South Jakarta
Semi-Formal Attire (With the Touch of Broken White)
Your presence will bring us so much joy.

Contoh 7

Save the Date
We that God gives life as a chance to give life to Love
We, Michelle Rose and Louis Worthington
Together with their parents
Request the honor of your presence as we celebrate the love we found on
Saturday, the twenty first of March Two thousand and Twenty at four O’clock in the Afternoon
Beaulieu Garden
1901 St Helena Hwy,
Rutherford, CA, US 94573
Reception and Dance Following

Contoh 8

Because you shared our lives, by your friendship and love
You’re invited to share our daughter,
Alicia Thomas & Ben Alexandro
When they exchange marriage vows and begin their new life together on Saturday, March 28, Two Hundred and Twenty, Two O’clock in the afternoon
Sartika Wedding Venue
Bandung City, West Java

Contoh 9

Together with their families
Yoshi Agata
Kenny Joseph
Request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage
Sunday, the fifth of April Two Thousand And Twenty
at half past four in the afternoon
The Prospect Pavilion
280 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, New York
Dinner and dancing to follow

Contoh 10

Because you have believed in them,
Celebrated with them,
Loved and encouraged them,
We, Steve Cahrly, Ben Charly, Noura Charly, Andrean Charly, and Brian Charly,
Invite you to join us in honoring our siblings
George Charly
Elena Keegan
As they celebrate the beginning of their adventure together
Saturday, the fifth of March two thousand twenty
at 10.00 a.m
Dinner and dancing immediately following ceremony
Bring your dancing shoes

Contoh 11

Keanu Webster
Myra Julio
Invite you to join them as they swallow their words and join in marriage
Saturday, the tirth of May two thousand and twenty
at two in the afternoon
Frolicking and food immediately following ceremony

Contoh 12

Please celebrate with us
Marry Jane
Todd Samuel
become one in marriage

Saturday | May 24 | 7 PM
Kartini’s Hall
Sudirman Street, Makassar

Dinner Reception to Follow

12 contoh undangan pernikahan dalam bahasa Inggris di atas bisa dikreasikan menurut kebutuhan dan ide menarik masing-masing. Dalam undangan juga bisa ditambahkan keterangan tentang dress code atau ketentuan lainnya dalam pesta pernikahan. Undangan yang menarik dapat memberikan kesan baik pada tamu sebelum hadir ke pesta.


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