Contoh Formal Invitation
4 Contoh Formal Invitation yang Sering Digunakan – Secara garis besar, formal invitation terdiri dari tiga struktur yakni invite, body of invitation dan inviter. Invitee adalah orang yang diundang. Body of invitation ialah isi undangan yang terdiri dari acara apa yang akan diadakan, tanggal, hari, waktu, lokasi dan informasi penting lainnya. Sedangkan inviter adalah orang yang mengundang.
Agar Anda lebih memahami mengenai formal invitation, berikut ini tersedia beberapa contoh yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai rujukan formal invitation khususnya dalam acara-acara tertentu:
1. Business Meeting
Penggunaan formal invitation untuk business meeting biasanya membutuhkan konfirmasi sebelum acara berlangsung. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh formal invitation untuk business meeting:
No: 12/X/PURC-Jaya Maju/2020
Subject: Annually Supplier Meeting
To: All supplier of PT. Jaya Maju,
Good morning.
Firstly, we would like to thank you for your support given to our company all this time. Because of your cooperation, PT. Jaya Maju is developing for better and efficient company.
To improve the quality and maintain the good cooperation, we will hold the annually supplier meeting. This meeting will be held at:
Day, date : Monday, January 6, 2020
Time : 01.00 – 03.00 PM
Place : Main Hall of PT. Jaya Maju
Jl. Halim Perdana No. 15, Surabaya, East Java.
Please notify us of your confirmation at least January 3, 2020. We are expecting your attendance of this annually supplier meeting on time. Thank you for your precious time and understanding given.
Best regard,
Himas Lalunajaya
(Purchasing Manager)
2. Wedding Invitation
Di Indonesia, wedding invitation biasanya mencantumkan nama orangtua dari masing-masing calon mempelai. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh undangan resmi untuk pernikahan :
Dear Mr. Rahmawan & Mrs. Rahmawan,
By the God’s blessing and mercy, we would like to invite you to the marriage of our daughter and son:
Sayyidah Linia Mumtaz, S. Ag
(Third daughter of Mr. Absoni and Mrs. Santi)
Muhammad Umar Faruq, ST
(First son of Mr. Hadi Susanto and Mrs. Aminah)
The wedding will be held on:
Saturday, Februari 16, 2020
10.00 AM – 01.00 PM
Ballroom Hotel Utami, Jl. Juanda No. 15
Surabaya, East Java
We look forward for the honor of your presence to celebrate together and give the blessing for us.
Baca juga ===>>>: Penjelasan Lengkap Invitation Text
3. Student Guardian / Parents Meeting Invitation
Berbagai jenis contoh undangan resmi di lingkup sekolah yakni diantaranya undangan untuk rapat guru, undangan rapat wali murid, undangan OSIS, undangan wisuda, dan sebagainya. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh formal invitation untuk rapat wali murid atau orangtua murid:
Harapan Negara Junior High School
Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 10, Surabaya, East Java
Surabaya, November 9, 2020
Subject: Student Guardian Meeting Invitation
To: All of the parents or guardian of 9th grade student Harapan Negara Junior High School
Peace to be upon you,
All the praises and thanks to the Almighty God for His grace and blessings that we are in good condition and healthy. We invite the parents or guardian to attend the student guardian meeting. The student guardian meeting will be held on:
Day, Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Time: 08.00 – 12.00 AM
Place: School Hall Harapan Negara Junior High School
Meeting Agenda:
1. Preparation for National Examination
2. Conducting the additional lessons after school hours
3. Student consultation regarding study problems
Thus we convey the invitation for guardian meeting of 9th grade student guardian. For the sake of success of students’ study and examination, your presence is really awaited. Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Malik Ahmad, M.Pd
(Headmaster of Harapan Bangsa Junior High School)
Artikel Terkait ===>>>: Latihan Soal Invitation Pilihan Ganda beserta Kunci Jawabannya
4. Event Invitation
Penggunaan formal invitation yang sering ditemui adalah undangan untuk event atau acara dan kegiatan tertentu. Formal invitation ini bisa jadi berupa undangan untuk acara seminar atau kegiatan event kesehatan dan sosial. Berikut salah satu contoh formal invitation untuk kegiatan yang bisa Anda gunakan :
To all of Sidoarjo citizen,
Health is one of God’s blessing that given to us, and just like the saying “healthy mind in healthy body”. We aware the importance of heatlh for Indonesian families, that must be encouraged from now on.
Because of that thing, so we would like you to invite you to this event “Run together” that will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2020. This event aim to protect the whole family member and also improve your health. This event will be held at Alun Alun Street, Sidoarjo, from 06.00 AM until the end.
This event is for public and free. Bring your family and your loved ones together to take part in this “Run Together 2020” event.
Sincerely yours,
“Run Together 2020” Committee
Masih banyak lagi jenis contoh formal invitation yang bisa Anda gunakan. Dengan beberapa contoh di atas, Anda bisa mengubahnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda masing-masing. Formal invitation memang sangat diperlukan untuk berbagai jenis acara resmi.