Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion yang Tepat

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Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion yang Tepat – Asking and giving opinion merupakan salah satu materi dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang sangat penting untuk digunakan, sebab berkaitan langsung dengan analisis teks eksposisi. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai materi asking dan giving opinion yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran berbicara, maka lebih baik untuk mempelajari lebih jauh contoh percakapannya.

Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion yang Tepat
Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion yang Tepat

Some Expression for Asking Opinion

Sebelum memberikan tanggapan atau pendapat, maka terlebih dahulu harus ada pengantar atau cara dalam menanyakan pendapat seseorang hingga akhirnya orang tersebut memberikan pendapatnya. Berikut berbagai phrases yang sering digunakan untuk menanyakan pendapat sebelum melangkah mempelajari contoh percakapan asking and giving opinion.

What is your opinion friend?
What do you think of …….?
What about ……..?
Is it right what I’ve done?
Hei, what is your opinion about this bro?
Do you have any comment?
Do you think … ?
Do you have any opinion?
How do you see the situation?
How is your opinion about this case?
Is it okay or not?
What do you think about it?
Please give to me your opinion about of my best friend?
What’s your opinion of my dress?
Do you like that?
Do you think is it good for me?
Please Dinda give me your opinion?
What’s your view?
Word and Phrases for Giving Opinion

Setelah mengetahui bagaimana cara meminta pendapat seseorang, maka selanjutnya Anda harus mengetahui bagaimana cara merespon sebuah permintaan pendapat, baik itu setuju ataupun tidak setuju mengenai pendapat yang ada sebelumnya.

I’m convinced that ….
For me, …
I feel …
I’d say…
In my opinion, .…
As far I know
I consider that …
I think …
What I reckon is…
What I have in my mind is…
I think that…
It seems to me …
From my point of view
I believe …
In my humble opinion..
I personally believe
If you dot mind me saying…
I feel that…
I feel that this case…
I tend to think that..
If you dot mind for me saying
Hmmm may be dear, you need to this

Baca : Pengertian dan Contoh Dialog Terbaru Asking Giving Opinion

Responses Off Agreeing Opinion

Berikut contoh ungkapan ketika menyetujui pendapat orang lain atau setuju dengan apa yang dikemukakan oleh orang lain

It looks great!
It’s a great choice, you wouldn’t regret it.
It suits you nicely!
This one is for you.
You look pretty in it.

Responses Of Disagreeing Opinion

Selain pendapat menyetujui sebuah pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh orang lain, maka berikut contoh untuk tidak setuju dengan pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh orang lain.

You don’t have the right skin tone.
You look pretty in it.
I don’t think you can’t afford it.
It’s very thin. I think it’d easily broke.
The dress is too big, you look like you’re drowning in it.
It’s very unbecoming.

Setelah mengetahui beberapa frasa yang dapat digunakan dalam meminta pendapat dan memberi pendapat serta menyetujui dan tidak menyetujui pendapat maka untuk semakin memperjelas dan pemahaman berikut contoh percakapan asking and giving opinion.

1. Contoh Asking and Giving Opinion Tentang Sahabat

Baca juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion Singkat

A: Some people say best friends are always honest with each other. What do you think about it?
B: In my opinion about best friends need to be completely honest bro. One little lie and your friendship just disappears.
A: Oh yeah, that is pretty strong language. Are you really think that ?
B: Yeah. Once, someone my best friends lied to me. He was a really best friend good, and just I felt completely betrayed. It destroyed the friendship
Contoh Percakapan Asking and Opinion about Smoking
A: What is your opinion of smoking?
B: I’m not sure really. But for me, it’s important that children do not smoking
A: But do you think it is a good idea about that people can smoke in buses and shops, you think good idea or bad idea?
B: I don’t think so. Because children use buses too.
A: So, what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Indonesia area?
B: I think so a good idea

2. Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion About A Pretty Girl

A: Bro, look at that girl!
B: What Girl ? Who sit on that yellow chair?
A: Yeahh, What do you think about this her ?
B: I think she is so pretty girl
A: oh yeah, me too, i think so. I really want to know more about this her.
B: Just go bro and start a dialog with her
A: That’s right, i will do it now! 

Contoh percakapan asking and giving opinion ini sangat berguna dan bermanfaat dalam bahasa inggris, sebab contoh-contoh di atas sering terjadi dalam dunia nyata. Terima kasih

Baca juga ===>>>Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Asking Giving Opinion


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