Pengertian dan Contoh Teks Descriptive

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Pengertian dan Contoh Teks Descriptive
Pengertian dan Contoh Teks Descriptive

Pengertian dan Contoh Teks Descriptive-Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada banyak tipe/teks. Seperti short message, notice, ennouncement, dll (Short functional text) dan narrative text, recount, procedure ,dll (Functional text). Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas salah satu jenis teks tersebut yaitu Descriptive Text (Teks Deskripsi). Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Descriptive yang berarti menggambarkan. Jadi Apa itu Text Descriptive?

A. Pengertian Text Desciptive

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. (Kane (2000: 352)

Descriptive Text (Teks Deskripsi) adalah suatu teks atau bacaan yang menggambarkan/ menjelaskan sesuatu (Orang, benda, hewan, atau tempat) secara rinci dan detil. Baik dari segi penggambaran bagian tubuh, sifat ataupun yang lainya.

B. Tujuan Descriptive Text

Untuk menjelaskan, mendeskripsikan, atau menggambarkan sesuatu yang bisa nama orang, benda, tempat ataupun hewan secara rinci.

C. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text (Bagian-bagian teks)

Dalam Descriptive text ada 2 bagian pokok yaitu Identification dan Description.

  1. Identification (Pendahuluan)
    Memperkenalkan/Menjelaskan tokoh utama yang akan dideskripsikan. Bagian ini terletak pada paragraf pertama.
  2. Description (Penjabaran)

Dalam bagian ini dijelaskan secara jelas dan khusus tentang ciri- ciri, sifat, kebiasaan atau hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan objek yang akan dideskripsikan.

D. Language features (Ciri-ciri Kebahasaan)

  1. Using Simple Present Tense (Menggunakan kalimat Simple Present Tense)
  2. Using tobe (Is, am, are)
  3. Fokus pada satu objek
  4. Using adjective (Menggunakan kata sifat)ex: slim, beautiful,big, etc

E. Example/ Contoh Text Descriptive


Baca : Latihan Soal Descriptive Text

Tiger snakes

Contoh Descriptive Text Hewan
Contoh Descriptive Text Hewan

Tiger snakes are a type of venomous snake found in southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania. These snakes are highly variable in their colour, often banded like those on a tiger, and forms in their regional occurrences. All populations are in the genus Notechis, and their diverse characters have been described in further subdivisions of this group; they are sometimes described as distinct species and/or subspecies.

Notechis is a genus of large venomous snake in the family Elapidae restricted to subtropical and temperate regions of Australia. Tiger snakes are a large group of distinct populations, which may be isolated or overlapping, with extreme variance in size and colour. Individuals also show seasonal variation in colour. The total length can be up to 2.9 m (10 ft). The patterning is darker bands, strongly contrasting or indistinct, which are pale to very dark in colour.

Colouration is composed of olive, yellow, orange-brown, or jet-black, and the underside of the snake is light yellow or orange. The tiger snake uses venom to dispatch its prey, and may bite an aggressor; they are potentially fatal to humans. Tolerant of low temperatures, the snake may be active on warmer nights. When threatened, they flatten their bodies and raise their heads above the ground in a classic prestrike stance.
Tiger snakes give birth to 20 to 30 live young; an exceptional record was made of 64 from an eastern female.They usually mate in spring when it is in the warmer seasons and will give birth to live young in summer.

Tiger snakes are found in coastal environments, wetlands, and creeks where they often form territories. Areas with an abundance of prey can support large populations. The species’ distribution extends from the south of Western Australia through to South Australia, Tasmania, up through Victoria, and New South Wales. Its common habitat includes the coastal areas of Australia. (https://en.wikipedia[dot]org/wiki/Tiger_snake)



Contoh Descriptive Text Tempat Wisata
Contoh Descriptive Text Tempat Wisata

Kuta Beach is located on the western side of the island’s narrow isthmus and is considered Bali’s most famous beach resort destination. Kuta Beach is also minutes away from the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Tuban. The nearby resorts of Tuban, Legian and Seminyak are all within close walking distance.

Once a simple, rustic and quiet fishing village, Kuta Beach has witnessed a transformation over the past years due to the rise of various accommodations, dining and shopping options. The rapid growth owes much to visitors, beachcombers and art lovers from nearby Australia. Expatriates also helped pioneer surfing in Kuta, as well.

Although a rather frenzied traffic scene has become commonplace here, Kuta Beach continues to attract thousands of visitors every year with its unique charm. During the peak season from July to August and the holiday season for Christmas and New Year, Kuta Beach is regularly fully-booked by travellers looking forward to a pleasant and affordable Bali escape. (http://www.bali-indonesia[dot]com/kuta-beach/#)

Tanah Lot means “Land [sic: in the] Sea” in the Balinese language. Located in Tabanan, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) from Denpasar, the temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide.

Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 16th-century Dang Hyang Nirartha. During his travels along the south coast he saw the rock-island’s beautiful setting and rested there. Some fishermen saw him, and bought him gifts. Nirartha then spent the night on the little island. Later he spoke to the fishermen and told them to build a shrine on the rock, for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods. The main deity of the temple is Dewa

Baruna or Bhatara Segara, who is the sea god or sea power and these days, Nirartha is also worshipped here.
The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples was established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast. In addition to Balinese mythology, the temple was significantly influenced by Hinduism.

At the base of the rocky island, venomous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. The temple is purportedly protected by a giant snake, which was created from Nirartha’s selendang (a type of sash) when he established the island. (https://en.wikipedia[dot]org/wiki/Tanah lot temple)


Baca Juga : Penjelasan dan Contoh Recount Text Holiday

Sekian pembahasan tentang Teks Descriptive semoga bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika masih terdapat kekurangan. Jangan Lupa kritik dan saranya . Dan sekiranya artikel ini bermanfaat bisa di share ke temen-temen terdekat kalian. Terima kasih banyak sudah mampir di blog saya yang sederhana ini 🙂

Pencarian Terkait:

  • pengertian descriptive text
  • pengertian descriptive text dalam bahasa inggris


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