– Pengertian dan contoh Discussion Text –Hai Sobat Englishclas, Bagaimana kabar kalian semuanya? Semoga masih dalam keadaan baik semua. Maaf jika dalam beberapa bulan ini admin off update artikel karena ada beberapa pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu. Sok sibuk kali ya… hehehehe
Udahan dulu basa-basinya. Oke sobat englishclas, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan melanjutkan beberapa materi tyang sudah lama tertunda lumayan lama. Pada kesempatan ini kita masih akan membahas salahsatu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris. apa itu?
Dalam kehidupan keseharian kita pasti pernah dan mungkin sering berdebat atau berdiskusi tentang sesuatu hal dengan seseorang ataupun mungkin dalam sebuah kelompok. Dan pastinya dalam berdebat atau berdiskusi muncul suatu yang Pro dan kontra. Dalam Bahasa Inggris banyak sekali jenis-jenis teksnya, seperti yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya antara lain Descriptive Text, Narrative Text, Recount Text, Procedure Text etc. Dan perlu kalian tahu prolog yang diatas itu dinamakan Discussion Text. Untuk penjelasan lebih detailnya mari kita ikuti penjabaranya dibawah ini;
A. Pengertian Discussion Text
Menrurut para ahli, Discussion Text is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.(sumber: http://britishcourse.com)
Jadi dari pengertian diatas bisa kita pahami bahwa Discussion Text adalah Sebuah teks yang berisi sebuah diskusi atau berdebatan (wacana) dalam skala besar sehingga menimbulkan Pro dan kontra pada masyarakat dan khalayak orang banyak.
B. Tujuan / Social Funtion Discussion Text
Tujuan komunikatif discussion text adalah untuk menyajikan sebuah isu atau informasi dengan memaparkan beberapa pendapat para ahli dalam bidangnya dan biasanya pendapat yang dipaparkan tersebut bertentangan (pro dan kontra). Sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa penulis membuat teks tersebut berdasarkan wacana yang berada dalam masyarakat.
C. Generic Structure / Ciri Kebahasaan Discussion Text
1. Issue
Pada bagian ini biasanya terletak di awal paragraf yang berisi penempatan masalah atau isu yang akan didiskusikan/ diperdebatkan.
2. Supporting Points
Dalam bagian ini, penulis/ writer menghadirkan pendapat yang mendukung isu (Pro). Di setiap paragraf Supporting Point terdiri dari dua komponen diantaranya adalah ide pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian dari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.
3. Contrasting Points
Dalam bagian ini, penulis menghadirkan pendapat yang menentang isu atau permasalahan (Kontra) Seperti dalam paragraf Supporting Point, Contrasting Points juga menghadirkan dua komponen pembentuk yaitu ide pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian dari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.
4. Conclunlusion or Recomendation
Dalam bagian ini penulis menghadirkan kesimpulan atau bisa juga rekomendasikan dari isu/ wacana atau permasalahan yang telah didiskusikan atau diperdebatkan .
D. Ciri Kebahasaan / Language feature Discussion Text
Di dalam membuat Discussion Text, penulis harus memperhatikan penggunaan bahasa yang biasa diterapkan, seperti:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using modal, such as ( must, should, would, may, etc.)
3. Using additive, contrastive, dan casual connection, seperti similiary, however, furthemore, on the other hand, moreover, in addition, but, nevertheless, etc.
E. Example (Contoh) Discussion Text
The issue of higher cigarette in Indonesia (Wacana Harga Naiknya harga rokok di Indonesia)
The issue of higher cigarette prices more widespread. Through its official Twitter account, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise issued an official statement that the news was not true on Saturday (20/8). Until now, there has been no new regulation on retail prices (retail price) smoking.
News maze of cigarette price increase of up to Rp50ribu that originated from a study of the Center for Health Economics and Policy (PKEKK) Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. Studies involving 1,000 respondents and lasted from December 2015 until January 2016 found that the number of smokers said they would quit smoking if cigarette prices increased twice the normal price. In fact, 72% of whom said they would quit smoking if cigarette prices above Rp50ribu.
Behind all the hoopla, there are important things that need our attention. Actually, the extent to which the strategy to raise cigarette prices and taxes is effective to reduce the number of smokers?
Data UN Office of Drugs and Crime noted Indonesia is one country with the price of the cheapest cigarettes in the world. For comparison, the average price of cigarettes in Indonesia was 1.32 US dollars, or Rp 17,368. In developed countries, cigarette prices in over one hundred thousand rupiah, for example in Australia, a pack of cigarettes could reach 16.11 US dollars, or USD 211 973.
In developing countries, cigarettes are sold cheap because targeting new smokers, such as children and adolescents. Data Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) Agency for Health Research and Development Ministry of Health, in 2013, disclosed the fact that the level of cigarette consumption among children aged 10-14 are categorized as very high, reaching 8 bars per day or 240 stems a month!
Haula Rosdiana, Professor of Tax Policy of the University of Indonesia said it was time the government sets strict legislation for these cigarettes, in order to control the negative effects of smoking.
The increase in the price of cigarettes also have an impact to state revenue, raising excise revenue. As a commodity, cigarettes are taxed (sin tax), because smoking has a negative impact on consumers, even passive smokers and the environment. “In many countries, the cigarette tax is very high for controlling tobacco consumption. Indonesia are among the lowest, “said Haula.
In its official statement, the Indonesian Consumers Foundation supports the price of cigarettes is raised because it will have a positive effect to reduce cigarette consumption in poor households. Funds to purchase cigarettes could be used to buy food.
Central Statistics Agency data shows the trigger of poverty in poor households are rice and cigarettes. “The pedicab driver, the driver, who enjoy a cigarette, they are the cigarette tax payers. Not surprisingly, the enormous social impact. Smoking makes the poor poorer, “said Haula.
On the one hand, the legislation smoking is considered an impact on the welfare of the workers of the cigarette industry. According Haula, a policy can not be considered partial. Do not use traditional labor as a reason for rejecting tobacco regulation. The government could provide another solution, for example, replace clove land into land of other food commodities. These countries have a greater need for food security, not the resistance of tobacco, “said Haula. (Written by :Rahma Wulandari/Englisclas.com)
Sekian Pembahasan tentang Pengertian dan contoh Discussion Text, Semoga bemanfaat dan Terima kasih telah berkunjung di blog ini 🙂